Good photographs shouldn't cost you a fortune.​
I graduated from Fredericksburg High School in 2000. Right away, I moved away from home to pursue an education in Aviation Electronics. I quickly switched my major after the terror attacks of September 11th, 2001. I now hold a degree in Electronic Communications.
My passion for photography came out of necessity. After starting my own graphic design and website development business, I noticed many of the pictures my clients provided me made the websites I was designing for them look horrible. I told myself that I could take better pictures, so I invested in a camera and began to provide my clients with photography services. The photography services that I provided for my clients quickly became the most enjoyable for me.
I noticed that many of the small businesses I shot pictures for shared something in common with the average person looking for a photographer. They all believe that a good photographer costs a fortune. It is a common practice for good photographers to charge over $2000 for their services. Sadly, many cannot afford this price tag so they rely on friends and family to provide them with pictures.​
Some events only happen once in a lifetime. Those events that you wish to capture in photographs should be of the best quality, but the event itself is what's important. When you take the trip down Memory Lane through the captured moments in your photographs, the event is what you should be reflecting upon, not how much you spent on the photographer.​
I am more than a good photographer. I am a GREAT photographer, and I will not only provide you with a service that you will love, I will provide you with a service that is of the highest quality that won't leave your wallet empty. After all, you have better things to spend a fortune on and your photographer shouldn't be one of them.
About Me​

"When you take the trip down Memory Lane through the captured moments in your photographs, the event is what you should be reflecting upon, not how much you spent on the photographer.​"